10 August 2023

You might have heard about those young people ‘who fall through the gaps’ and don’t get the support they need when they need it most. The Listening Service at the YMCA St Helens tries to fill that gap for as many young people as possible, by providing them with support with their mental health and wellbeing.

The Listener provides the young person with one to one sessions that are unique to them, providing them with an environment that allows them to feel comfortable to talk about whatever they want and need to talk about. By listening to understand, rather than waiting for their turn to speak, the listener can begin to know what it is like to be that young person. Once the young person feels heard then the listener can offer advice, make suggestions and work through any changes the young person would like to make in a collaborative way.

At a time of a widely acknowledged mental health crisis, the Listening Service is vital to fill those gaps to stop as many young people as possible from falling through.

On September 2nd – along with some young people aged form 12 to 17 who also appreciate the value of this service and want to help it continue to grow – our staff and volunteers will be climbing Mount Snowdon to raise money to help other 12-18 year olds at a time when they need it most.

Anything you can contribute towards helping us achieve our target will be massively appreciated – even a simple ‘share’ of our fundraising link will go along way in helping us reach our goal.

Thank you for supporting us!

