

Inspiration, Words from our Chaplain Tim

  Living through change – a few thoughts One thing I have learned throughout my life is that I am, and I believe we all are, creatures of habit who consciously and unconsciously seek to establish and maintain relationships and routines in our lives that give us a sense of meaning and well-being, of connection….



Youth Services in England & Wales

YMCA England & Wales have published Out of Service, a report examining the expenditure by Local Authorities on Youth Services in England & Wales. Figures uncovered by YMCA reveal the true extent of cuts to youth services funding by local authorities in England and Wales since 2010, with an allocation of just under £429m in…



Crash Pad Project – Now Open

YMCA St Helens is working in partnership with St Helens Council to provide the Crash Pads project for people sleeping rough in St Helens. The Crash Pad is the new service for rough sleepers, its intention is to prevent rough sleeping and provide a safe place for people to stay in an emergency and support…



Louis Rigby is St Helens longest serving volunteer

Last month, Louis Rigby was honoured for his long voluntary service to YMCA St Helens. St Helens Citizen Advice and Halton and St Helens VCA organised an awards ceremony at the town hall to recognise and applaud the work, contribution and impact of volunteers across St Helens. It was a very special day for us…



Foyer News

YMCA St Helens are now offering nationally recognised qualifications AQA units which can help people to progress on to further education, training or employment. At the Foyer we are also using these to help support and motivate people to work towards their goals. There are currently over 11000 units to choose from across a wide…



Beacon Nursery Joins Facebook!

Beacon Nursery have created a Facebook Page and a closed group for parents and staff of the nursery to share updates and important information. We are always looking at ways to improve communication and how we keep in touch with the people who need us and we will be monitoring Facebook impact and usage to…



Mental Health Awareness Week

World Mental Health awareness week is held each year from 13th 19th MAY. It’s an annual awareness raising event organized by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This year for Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re focusing on Body Image. Concerns about body image and appearance, while often associated with younger people, are not exclusive to being…



UPDATE Saints Community Sleep Out – Can You Stick It At The Wicked?

We are really excited to announce that YMCA St Helens in partnership with Saints Community Development Foundation and Teardrops will be hosting a sponsored sleep out to raise awareness about homelessness in St Helens while while also raising some much needed funds. The event will take place on Friday 15th March 7pm-7am and registration is…